Victoria Street Directory 20th Ed


Publisher:UBD Gregorys
Published:20th Edition 2021
Size:216mm x 283mm
SKU: 9780731932658 Category:


Victoria Street Directory 20th Ed

This edition of the UBD Gregorys Victoria Street Directory offers the most comprehensive and up-to-date mapping at the best scale. Featuring town maps, regional road maps and a range of touring information, this directory will ensure you find your way around every inch of Victoria.

Ballarat is growing fast & we have included over 40 new streets, the suburb of Winter Valley & many other updates, this would be the most up to date mapping available.

The directory covers over 130 towns including Albury (NSW) Wodonga, Ballarat, Bright, Castlemaine, Horsham, Lakes Entrance, Mildura, Port Fairy, Rutherglen, Stawell, Wangaratta,Warrnambool and Yarram.


  • Over 130 updated city and town maps.
  • 38 Victorian Road Atlas maps with a comprehensive towns index.
  • Melbourne & surrounds suburbs map and editorial.
  • Victoria state and touring region information.
  • RV friendly towns listed on contents page.

With all this information the Victoria street directory is an essential companion when touring the state as well as a directory for locals.


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