Tuscany (Italy) Adventure Map 3305


Publisher:National Geographic
Size Folded:23cm x 10.4cm
Size Unfolded:95.8cm x 64.7cm

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Tuscany Adventure Travel Map

The Tuscany Adventure Travel Map is an invaluable tool for travellers seeking to explore the rich history, romance, and iconic landscapes of this remarkable country.

Tuscany’s coastline and the western portion of the province are shown on the front side of the printed map including the cities of Pisa and Livorno. An inset map of the Arcipelago Toscano National Park provides greater detail of the islands. The reverse side of the map covers the eastern portion of the province and shows the cities of Florence, Grosseto, Siena, and Arezzo. Lake Tresimeno in neighboring Umbria is also included.

Every Adventure Map is printed on durable synthetic paper, making them waterproof, tear-resistant and tough — capable of withstanding the rigors of international travel.

Additional information

Weight.060 kg
Dimensions23.5 × 11 × 4 cm

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