Times Concise Atlas of the World


Edition:14th Edition 2021
Pages:448 Hardback
Size:275mm x 375mm x 42mm
SKU: 9780008409289 Category:


Times Concise Atlas of the World

Discover new places with this authoritative atlas, the beautifully designed and packaged Times Concise Atlas of the World.

A fully revised and updated fourteenth edition of this major world atlas in the authoritative and prestigious Times Atlas range. This beautifully designed atlas has all the information you need, whether planning a trip, keeping in touch with world news, solving quizzes and crosswords or just exploring the world from your armchair.

Comprehensive reference mapping with 155,000 place names providing an amazingly detailed view of the world, and the illustrated thematic content covers the most important geographical issues of the day, making this atlas a valuable addition to any reference collection.

Mapping updates include:
• Country name changes – Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) and North Macedonia (formerly Macedonia)
• Place name changes in New Zealand
• Administrative structures in Bangladesh, France, Ghana, India, Norway, Sierra Leone, Tanzania and UK
• Changes to capital cities in Burundi, Kazakhstan, Chile and Palau
• Airports and other transport infrastructure revisions, new rail and road bridge across Kerch Strait
• Aral Sea outline, Polar sea ice extents and Antarctic research bases

Produced in a quality finish the world atlas comes in a protective slipcase.


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