The Train Book


Publisher:Dorling Kindersley
Pages:320, Hardcover
SKU: 9780241601563 Categories: ,


The Train Book

The definitive visual history of the train and the railways – in its second edition.

Packed with stunning photography, The Train Book catalogues the development of trains from early steam to diesel engines and electric locomotives, explores in detail iconic trains such as the Palace on Wheels and the Orient Express, and chronicles the social, political, and cultural backdrop against which railways were built the world over.

Profiling the best loved railways and rail journeys of all time – from the Union-Pacific Railroad to the Trans-Siberian Railway – and the pioneers of train and track – from “Father of the Railways” George Stephenson to engineering legend Isambard Kingdom Brunel and Metro-maestro Fulgence Bienvenüe – The Train Book is perfect for anyone with an interest in trains, locomotives, and the history of the railway.


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