The Cloud Collector’s Handbook


Author:Gavin Pretor-Pinney
Pages:112, Hardcover

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SKU: 9780340919439 Categories: ,


The Cloud Collector’s Handbook

The Cloud Collector’s Handbook fits into the pocket, allowing cloudspotters to identify cloud formations anytime and anywhere. All the common cloud types are represented, as are many of the rare ones, each fully described and illustrated with a range of photographs.

Not only is this an invaluable resource for anyone who wants to be able to identify and understand every cloud that floats by, it also caters for the competitive cloudspotter. Points are awarded for each cloud type identified: the rarer the cloud, the greater the points, and there’s space to fill in where and when it was sighted.

Beautifully designed, in colour throughout, and full of humour, this handbook is the essential reference for anyone with their head in the clouds.

Dedicated fans can also become members of the Cloud Appreciation Society by visiting


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