Sunshine Coast Refidex Street Directory


Publisher:UBD Gregorys
Published:12th Edition 2024
Size:216mm x 283mm
SKU: 9780731933488 Category:


Sunshine Coast Refidex Street Directory

The latest edition of the Sunshine Coast Refidex Street Directory has been fully revised and updated. This is the directory that has been helping locals and visitors find their way around the Sunshine Coast region for over 20 years.

The directory includes:

  • Over 80 maps covering Boreen Point in the north, Beerburrum in the south and Kenilworth in the west.
  • Over 300 new streets including major updates in the suburbs of Banya, Bells Creek, Burnside, Nambour, Nirimba, Palmview, and Pelican Waters.
  • Now completed Bells Creek Arterial Road connection.
  • Four regional town map for Bribie Island, Gympie and Rainbow Beach
  • 14 main road maps with coverage from Boreen Point in the north down through Brisbane and across the New South Wales border to Kingscliff NSW in the south
  • Over 1260 facilities including aged care, clubs, golf courses, hotels & motels, parks, places of interest, racecourses, swimming pools and wineries.

This refidex directory is the essential tool for anyone wanting to travel the Sunshine Coast region.


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