South Gippsland – Wilsons Promontory Adventure Map


Publisher:Rooftop Maps
Scale:1:50,000 & 1:100,000
SKU: 689076913560 Categories: ,


South Gippsland – Wilsons Promontory Adventure Map 

Coverage of the South Gippsland – Wilsons Promontory Adventure Map includes Wilsons Promontory & Tarra – Bulga National Parks, Foster, Korumburra, Inverloch, Leongatha, Walkerville, Waratah Bay, Yanakie, Cape Liptrap, Port Albert, Fish Creek, Corner Inlet, Mirboo North, Yarram, Woodside and Wonthaggi. Scale is 1:100,000.

The reverse of the map has a 1:50,000 scale enlargement titled ‘Wilsons Promontory Forest Activities Map’ with contours.

All parks, reserves and state forests are shown and all roads and tracks within the map area have been plotted using GPS mapping technology. All walking tracks in Wilsons Promontory National Park have been recently field checked with detailed plots showing camp sites, navigational notes and important features.


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