Slovenia Adventure Map 3311


Publisher:National Geographic
Publication Date:2022
Size Folded:23cm x 10.4cm
Size Unfolded:95.8cm x 64.7cm

Only 1 left in stock


The Slovenia Adventure Travel Map is designed to meet the unique needs of adventure travelers with its detailed and accurate information.

This map includes thousands of cities and towns with an index for easily locating them, plus a clearly marked road network complete with distances and designations for highways, major roadways, scenic routes, and more. Transportation within and beyond the country is also made easier with the locations of airports, airfields, railroads, ferry routes, and border crossings. Myriad points of interest are noted including national parks, museums, castles, archeological sites, churches, and more.

Slovenia’s western half is shown on the front side of the print map including the cities of Kranj, Ljubljana, Nova Gorica, Postojna, Litija, and Kocevj.

The reverse side of the map covers the eastern portion of the country, and shows the cities of Velenje, Celje, Novo Mesto, Crnomelj, Maribor, Murska Sobota, Ptuj, Slovenska Bistrica, and Brezice.

Additional information

Weight.060 kg
Dimensions23.5 × 11 × 4 cm

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