Sail the World With Me


Author:Jimmy Cornell

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SKU: 9781916091054 Category:


Sail the World With Me

Sail The World With Me is based on Jimmy Cornell’s extensive knowledge of offshore cruising, gained from experience that stretches over four decades.

Superseding 200,000 Miles, it has been updated and revised to include Jimmy’s latest adventures with his fifth boat, Aventura Zero, and the challenges of zero-carbon sailing.

Sail The World With Me deals with all essential aspects of offshore voyaging and long distance cruising. Every subject is dealt with in an informative and entertaining manner, backed up by telling incidents or anecdotes from the author’s wide-ranging experience.

The majority of the book deals with practical matters and covers all subjects of interest to anyone planning to leave on an offshore voyage. The remainder describes highlights from the author’s circumnavigations as well as voyages to Antarctica, a transpacific passage from Antarctica to Alaska, and the challenges of the Northwest Passage. The book contains over 600 excellent photographs from the author’s vast collection.

While primarily aimed at sailors who are planning or making preparations for a longer voyage, this book will also appeal to tested ocean navigators as well as weekend sailors and dreamers.


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