Pyrenees Andorra Adventure Map 3308


Publisher:National Geographic
Publication Date:2019
Size Folded:23cm x 10.4cm
Size Unfolded:95.8cm x 64.7cm

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Pyrenees Andorra Adventure Map 3308

The Pyrenees Andorra Adventure Travel Map is an invaluable tool for travellers seeking to explore the rich history, romance, and iconic landscapes of this remarkable country.

This map includes the locations of cities and towns with a user-friendly index, plus a clearly marked road network complete with distances and designations for roads and highways.

The front side of the print map shows the country of Andorra and the eastern half of the Pyrenees including the cities of Narbonne, Carcassone, Pamiers, St-Gaudens, St-Girons, Perpignan in France, and Balaguer, Manresa, and Figueres in Spain. The reverse side of the map stretches from the city of Biarritz on the Bay of Biscay eastward to include Pamplona and Huesca, Spain, and Pau, Tarbes, and the famed pilgrimage site of Lourdes, France.

Popular for alpine skiing and mountaineering, the Pyrenees are a scenic mountain range which form a natural boundary between Spain and France.

Additional information

Weight.060 kg
Dimensions23.5 × 11 × 4 cm

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