Ocean Sailing


Author:Paul Heiney
Pages:320, Hardcover
SKU: 9781472955395 Category:


Ocean Sailing

For many sailors, an ocean passage is the big dream. But many will worry that they don’t have the right experience, that their boat isn’t strong enough, or that it will be prohibitively expensive and difficult.

Ocean Sailing will prepare you for an ocean passage by painting a picture of what it’s really like, through the experiences of others who have gone before. Topics covered range from safety to boat kit and preparations, budgeting to staying in touch with home, equipment breakdowns to health and weather.

Members of three great cruising clubs the Royal Cruising Club, Ocean Cruising Club, and the Cruising Club of America share their vast wealth of experience, and by focusing on the practicalities of ocean sailing, allay the anxieties and doubts of prospective ocean cruisers to ensure a deeply satisfying ocean voyage.


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