Mersey 1:100k Topo Map


Edition:5th Edition 2011
Sheet No:8114
SKU: 9318923004601 Category:


Mersey 1:100k Topo Map

The Mersey 1:100,000 Topographic Map covers areas in the Cradle Mountain Lake St Clair and Walls of Jerusalem National Parks.

Features on this map include Lake Rowallan, Great Western Tiers, Mole Creek, Central Plateau Conservation Area, Mount Jerusalem (1446m), Mount Moriah (1362m), The Acropolis (1481m), Mount Gould (1485m), Horizontal Hill (1254m), Lake Myrtle, Lake Meston, and Lake Louisa.

The 1:50,000 Topographic Maps St Clair and Jerusalem cover the same area in greater detail.

Adjoining maps are Sophia (West), Forth (North), Meander (East), and Nive (South).

This map is part of the series covering the Tasmanian Trail.

Additional information

Weight0.045 kg
Dimensions18 × 11.5 × 0.04 cm

Unlaminated, Laminated, Hanging Rails

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