India North West Adventure Map


Publisher:National Geographic
Publication Date:2020
Size Folded:23cm x 10.4cm
Size Unfolded:95.8cm x 64.7cm


India North West Adventure Map

National Geographic’s India Northwest Adventure Map provides global travelers with the perfect combination of detail and perspective. This expertly crafted map includes the locations of thousands of cities and towns with an index for easily locating them, plus a clearly marked road network complete with distances and designations for expressways, major roadways, and secondary roads.

Specialty content to include hundreds of diverse and unique recreational, ecological, cultural, and historical destinations, make this map invaluable to travelers hoping to experience all the attractions the region has to offer.

Among the many points of interest are national parks and reserves, botanical gardens, bird sanctuaries, temples, palaces, beaches, campsites, archaeological sites, and more. Users will find a variety of helpful travel aids on this map as well, including the location of airports, railroads, ferry routes, and harbors.

On the front side of the print map you’ll find India’s far northwestern corner, including the Kashmir region and the great Himalaya range, as well as the states Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, and the National Capital Territory.

The reverse side includes coverage of the border area with Pakistan to the west, the southern part of Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh, as well as Madhta Pradesh and the cities of Bhopal, Gujarat and Ahmadabad to the Kathiawar Peninsula.

Every Adventure Map is printed on durable synthetic paper, making them waterproof, tear-resistant and tough – capable of withstanding the rigors of international travel.

Additional information

Weight.060 kg
Dimensions23.5 × 11 × 4 cm

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