India Adventure Travel Map 3011


Publisher:National Geographic
Publication Date:2019
Size Folded:23cm x 10.4cm
Size Unfolded:95.8cm x 64.7cm


India Adventure Travel Map

National Geographic’s India Adventure Travel Map provides global travelers with the perfect combination of function and perspective.

The India Adventure Map differs from a traditional road map for it includes hundreds of points of interest that highlight diverse and unique destinations in the region. The map features UNESCO World Heritage sites, national parks, archaeological sites, nature reserves, Hindu and Buddhist temples, and other points of interest, making it an invaluable resource to travelers hoping to experience all the history and culture India has to offer.

Additional travel aids include the location of airports, rail lines, harbors and ferry routes. The front side of the map covers India’s southern half, from the Vindhya Range extending south to the city of Trivandrum.

The map also includes the island of Sri Lanka and an inset map of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the Bay of Bengal.

The reverse side of the map features the northern half of the country, spanning its borders with Pakistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar (Burma) and Bangladesh. The India Adventure Map is printed in the United States on a durable synthetic paper, making it waterproof, tear-resistant and tough — capable of withstanding the rigors of international travel.

Key Features

  • Waterproof and tear-resistant
  • Detailed topography complete with activity symbols, ideal for exploring the country
  • Hundreds of points of interest including UNESCO World Heritage sites, archaeological sites, Hindu and Buddhist temples
  • Thousands of place names
  • Important travel aids including airports, ferry routes, and rail lines

Additional information

Weight.060 kg
Dimensions23.5 × 11 × 4 cm

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