Great Railway Journeys in Europe
Great Railway Journeys in Europe features 34 fascinating journeys in North-West, Nordic, Central, Southern and South-East Europe, ranging from international mega-trips to short, nostalgic excursions on steam trains.
There are journeys through stunning scenery, such as the trip on The Rauma Line in Norway; tracks that defy the terrain, such as the routes through the Swiss Alps, and journeys that link famed cities in France, Spain, Austria and Italy. Photographs illustrate the spectacular routes, remarkable locomotives and unique station architecture.
For each journey, details cover technical information on the track, descriptions of the scenery the trains pass through, notable facts about the destinations and factual information on ticketing. Each journey is plotted on a route map.
Whether you are planning a special trip by train or delighting in discovering Europe’s best railway journeys from the comfort of your armchair, this book is an informative and entertaining read.
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