Dog’s Head Tier 1:50,000 Topo Map


Production Year:2016

In stock

SKU: 9318923027822 Category:


Dog’s Head Tier 1:50,000 Topo Map

The Dogs Head Tier 1:50,000 Topographic Map map shows the approach from Tunbridge to Interlaken and the popular recreational destinations Lake Crescent and Lake Sorell (the latter closed to fishing). The lower, valley plains, previously characterised by their dry land farming enterprises, are being developed into one of the State’s largest irrigation districts.

The 1:50 000 Map Series provides clear and accurate portrayal of topographic information, with symbols and map content giving enhanced depiction of buildings, hill shading and a simplified classification of vegetation.

Additional information

Weight0.075 kg
Dimensions22 × 12 × 0.4 cm

Unlaminated, Laminated