Blue Mountains North Map and Guide


Publisher:Spatial Vision
Published:2nd Edition 2018
Size Folded:135mm x 250mm
Size Unfolded:1000mm x 810mm

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SKU: 9780648337690 Categories: ,


Blue Mountains North Map and Guide

The Blue Mountains North map from Spatial Vision is ideal for Bushwalking, rock climbing, mountain biking, car touring and camping in the area.

Ideal For:

Bushwalking, rock climbing, mountain biking, car touring, camping

Major Parks:

Blue Mountains National Parks, Yellomundee Regional Park

Local Towns:

Mount Victoria, Blackheath, Medlow Bath, Katoomba, Leura, Wentworth Falls, Lawson, Springwood, Glenbrook.


  • Detailed walk descriptions including day walks such as the Grand Canyon and Prince Henry Cliff walk and overnight walks including Blue Gum Forrest Circuit, Mount Victoria to Blue Gum Forrest and Blackheath.
  • Information on other activities such as mountain biking, rock climbing, canyoning, canoeing and swimming.
  • Campground and Lookout locations and GPS references
  • 1:25, 000 map inset of the Katoomba and Wentworth Falls area
  • Walk cross sections

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