All Aboard the Train


Author:Stefan Lohr
Pages:16, Board book
Published:Oct 2021

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SKU: 9781615198160 Category: Tag:


All Aboard the Train

All Aboard the Train takes kids on a few fun train rides as a busy cast of characters go on journeys from Wimmeltown Train Station to their final destinations.

From boarding the crowded platform to wandering through the aisles upon aisles of train cars, watching the pretty scenery, and more – plenty of interesting things are happening along the way.

Wimmelbooks are virtually instruction-free, inviting kids to make their own way through the busy Wimmelworld they encounter, and to craft their own stories. First, you’re introduced to a unique cast of characters who are hidden in plain sight on the pages that follow. As you seek them out, each character’s storyline unfolds, but it’s up to kids to interpret the scenes and create stories they think fit. It’s hours upon hours of fun – and an effortless introduction to literacy to boot.

All aboard!


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