About Time Too


Author:Royal Observatory Greenwich
Pages:160, Hardcover
Published:July 2021
SKU: 9781906367664 Category:


About Time Too

How old is the Earth? How fast can you think? How long is a light year and how short is a femtosecond? What does Greenwich Mean Time mean? Can you tell the time with flowers? When did time itself begin?

About Time Too is a lighthearted, illustrated book which goes a long way to answering some of these questions. It also presents a whole range of other amazing facts and figures that reveal the surprising influence of time on our daily lives. Time, we realize as we page through this book, affects us all in a wide range of unexpected ways. And as you saw above, it also generates some of the most intriguing questions asked by visitors to the Royal Observatory, the “Home of Time.”

Building on those questions, the experts at the Royal Observatory present here a captivating primer on just what it is we mean, think about, and understand when we talk about time.


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